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Client API Reference


The main client class for interacting with the Dida365/TickTick API.


def __init__(
    client_id: Optional[str] = None,
    client_secret: Optional[str] = None,
    service_type: ServiceType = ServiceType.DIDA365,
    redirect_uri: str = "http://localhost:8080/callback",
    save_to_env: bool = True

Creates a new Dida365Client instance.

Parameter Type Description Default
client_id Optional[str] OAuth2 client ID. Can be set via DIDA365_CLIENT_ID env var None
client_secret Optional[str] OAuth2 client secret. Can be set via DIDA365_CLIENT_SECRET env var None
service_type ServiceType Service type (DIDA365 or TICKTICK) ServiceType.DIDA365
redirect_uri str OAuth2 redirect URI "http://localhost:8080/callback"
save_to_env bool Whether to save credentials and token to .env file True

Authentication Methods


async def authenticate(
    scope: str = "tasks:write tasks:read",
    state: str = "state",
    port: int = 8080
) -> TokenInfo

Complete OAuth2 authentication flow. Opens browser for user authorization.

Parameter Type Description Default
scope str OAuth2 scopes to request "tasks:write tasks:read"
state str State parameter for OAuth2 flow "state"
port int Port for local callback server 8080

Returns: TokenInfo - Token information including access token and expiry


async def exchange_code(code: str) -> TokenInfo

Exchange authorization code for access token.

Parameter Type Description
code str Authorization code from OAuth2 callback

Returns: TokenInfo - Token information including access token and expiry

Project Methods


async def get_projects() -> List[Project]

Get all projects.

Returns: List[Project] - List of projects


async def get_project(project_id: str) -> Project

Get a project by ID.

Parameter Type Description
project_id str Project identifier

Returns: Project - Project details


async def get_project_with_data(project_id: str) -> ProjectData

Get a project with its tasks and columns.

Parameter Type Description
project_id str Project identifier

Returns: ProjectData - Project details including tasks and columns


async def create_project(project: ProjectCreate) -> Project

Create a new project.

Parameter Type Description
project ProjectCreate Project creation model

Returns: Project - Created project


async def update_project(project: ProjectUpdate) -> Project

Update an existing project.

Parameter Type Description
project ProjectUpdate Project update model

Returns: Project - Updated project


async def delete_project(project_id: str) -> None

Delete a project.

Parameter Type Description
project_id str Project identifier

Task Methods


async def get_task(project_id: str, task_id: str) -> Task

Get a task by project ID and task ID.

Parameter Type Description
project_id str Project identifier
task_id str Task identifier

Returns: Task - Task details


async def create_task(task: TaskCreate) -> Task

Create a new task.

Parameter Type Description
task TaskCreate Task creation model

Returns: Task - Created task


async def update_task(task: TaskUpdate) -> Task

Update an existing task.

Parameter Type Description
task TaskUpdate Task update model

Returns: Task - Updated task


async def complete_task(project_id: str, task_id: str) -> None

Mark a task as completed.

Parameter Type Description
project_id str Project identifier
task_id str Task identifier


async def delete_task(project_id: str, task_id: str) -> None

Delete a task.

Parameter Type Description
project_id str Project identifier
task_id str Task identifier

Error Handling

All methods can raise the following exceptions:

  • AuthenticationError: When authentication fails or token is invalid
  • NotFoundError: When requested resource is not found
  • ValidationError: When request data is invalid
  • RateLimitError: When API rate limit is exceeded
  • ApiError: For other API errors